People all across Redondo Beach like to take advantage of the nice weather and sunshine whenever they can. This means that people are outside exercising, walking to work, bicycling or just going from point A to point B without being confined to an automobile. But with the popularity of these activities can come a threat to people’s safety. California is one of the top three states where pedestrians are at risk of being killed in an accident with a motor vehicle.
Population and lifestyle account for the fact that so many people are out walking on the street, sharing that space with cars and trucks. Unfortunately, drivers here may not be taking this requirement to share the roads with pedestrians very seriously. Nationwide, thousands of people are injured or killed every year after being hit by a motor vehicle. But recent reports suggest that there may be signs of improvement.
Between 2009 and 2012, pedestrian accidents increased by 15 percent across the country and many of the accidents happened in large states like California, Florida and Texas. It was a troubling trend that people wanted to put a stop to. A recent report by the Governors Highway Safety Association suggests that efforts to decrease pedestrian accidents may be proving to be effective.
In 2013, there were fewer pedestrian fatalities recorded between January and June than there were during the same time period the year before. Nationally, the rate of fatal pedestrian accidents dropped 8.7 percent, meaning there were nearly 200 fewer pedestrians killed by a car in just those six months.
Despite the promising statistics, pedestrian safety remains a very real and prevalent issue in California. Drivers skirt laws by texting on their phones or get behind the wheel after drinking. Some motorists simply fail to keep an eye out for people in crosswalks or waiting at intersections. Distraction, impairment and reckless behaviors are avoidable behaviors that are very often cited in accident reports.
Victims of a pedestrian accident and their families should remember that they have the right to take legal action to pursue compensation and hold a negligent driver accountable for these behaviors that lead to a crash. The injuries suffered when people are hit by a vehicle can be catastrophic and they should not have shoulder the burden of these damages alone.
Source: Governors Highway Safety Association, “New Report: Reversal in Three-Year Uptick in Pedestrian Fatalities,” March 5, 2014