If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, you may be seeking solutions that will not cause you additional pain and hardship. Litigation is an option, of course, but for many, it is an unpleasant consideration. As personal injury attorneys serving residents in the Los Angeles area of California, we strive to offer accident victims more than one legal remedy. An often underutilized solution is personal injury mediation.
Mediation is a form of “alternative dispute resolution” available to victims of motorcycle accidents or accidents involving any kind of motor vehicle. For many accident victims, mediation is a far more attractive option than pursuing litigation. During mediation, the involved parties have an equal opportunity to present their side of the case in an environment that facilitates open discussion. The discussion is mediated by an objective third party who does not favor either side. Instead the mediator assists in the discussion and explains elements of the process.
Motorcycle accident mediation offers many benefits over traditional litigation, including:
— Speedy resolution
— Closure for all parties
— Preservation of privacy
— Cultivating creative yet effective solutions
— Reduced expenses
The mediation process often comes as a great relief to those who are suffering due to injuries suffered in a motorcycle accident. The setting is more relaxed and conducive to talking openly about the accident, and the mediator is knowledgeable and experienced in negotiation procedures.
At the website of personal injury attorney Fred D. Crawford, you can find additional information about the mediation process. We hope this will help you make an informed decision about what to do if you have been injured in an accident.