Auto-pedestrian accidents involving a hit-and-run can be admittedly tricky. Sometimes, the driver that caused the accident cannot be found, leaving injured pedestrians at a loss for seeking the compensation they need. Without financial recovery, they are often unable to pay for medical treatment and other expenses related to their injuries.
Hopefully, you are not asking this question because you have been involved in a hit-and-run pedestrian accident, but if you were, here are a few ways you can help yourself in the aftermath.
Assuming you are able, try to document the scene by taking photos or writing down important details. If possible, try to remember identifying details about the automobile such as its make, model and color. If you can get the license plate number, it will go a long way towards helping law enforcement personnel catch the responsible party.
If you are conscious but cannot get this information, ask nearby witnesses to help you. Fortunately in this regard, Los Angeles is a busy city and there may be multiple witnesses you can call on for assistance. It is also advisable to consult with a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible even if the driver has not been found. An attorney can often assist in helping you pursue justice and find the financial resources you need.
For example, a lawyer can help you determine if you are eligible for compensation through the California Victim Compensation Board. The Board helps victims cope with the physical, emotional and financial consequences of crime. Hit-and-run is definitely a crime so there is chance you are eligible.
If the driver responsible for the auto-pedestrian accident was caught, your lawyer can certainly help you bring this person to justice and at the same time help you acquire the financial compensation you desperately need.
Source: The California Victim Compensation Board, “CalVCB FAQ: Eligibility,” accessed Nov. 10, 2016