The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention carried out a study to look at unintentional deaths in the United States. They found that there were 130,557 such deaths, meaning that 41.3 people for every 100,000 people in the United States died unintentionally. This...
Murder charges filed after deadly hit-and-run
A man from Yucca Valley is facing DUI charges, hit-and-run charges and even murder charges after he allegedly killed a pedestrian while he was driving under the influence. He had already been charged with a DUI twice in the past and was apparently illegally driving on...
Higher speed limits don’t cause more accidents
If you were asked why there are speed limits in California, would you say that it's to reduce the amount of accidents that happen? If so, this is a common misconception. The reduction of speed limits actually started out largely as a fluke. Speeds were reduced in the...
Should we wear helmets in the car?
Most people don't wear any safety gear while they drive. These same people may be very adamant about wearing helmets while biking or skateboarding, but they would never wear one in a car. Instead, they trust that the car's design -- the crash impact zones, seat belts,...
Elderly man suffers serious injuries in motorcycle crash
A 71-year-old man has been seriously injured in a motorcycle accident near Santa Barbara. Reports indicate that the accident happened just before 1 p.m. on May 25 at the intersection of Highway 154 and Cathedral Oaks Road. Details are scarce, but it is clear that the...
Why do pedestrians get hit by cars?
Reports showed that 76,000 pedestrians were injured one year in car accidents, and other reports indicate that around 5,000 people die in these accidents annually. These are staggering numbers, and certainly there are cases where the pedestrians are at...
Car accidents are a major reason for childhood deaths
Parents go to great lengths to keep their children safe. They buy them safety equipment—like bike helmets—for dangerous activities, they take them to the doctor when they're sick, and they work hard to keep an eye on them at all times. However, children are still...
How many chances does a truly problematic truck driver get?
Stating that his "continued operation of a commercial motor vehicle … puts the motoring public at imminent risk for serious bodily injury or death," federal safety regulators took action to permanently take away the driving privileges of one commercial truck driver...
Focus on truly ambitious traffic safety goal for Los Angeles
Talk about optimism. Safety officials in Los Angeles have a flat-out lofty goal that they seek to achieve within a decade. If realized, it would unquestionably make the metropolitan area the safest municipality in the country. To wit: No traffic-related deaths...
Some realities relevant to high-speed motorcycle crashes
Pretty much anyone in California who knows anything about motorcycles -- whether a rider or not -- readily appreciates the singular and outsized safety risks involved for even a rider who loses control at a very low speed. Even a bike tipping over at, say, five miles...