Wrongful death is never easy to handle. It can be even more difficult when it involves a car accident that was caused by the negligence of another person. The investigation into the cause of the crash could take months before it is finalized. This can cause you even more grief and sorrow as you painstakingly wait to find out the reason for the crash. Here is some information on how a crash scene is reconstructed in California.
Police officers and other investigators called to the scene of a serious or fatal motor vehicle accident will begin taking pictures of the scene. They will photograph the vehicles involved, the debris, any blood spots, skid marks and anything other items they deem necessary.
Investigators will also use a laser to determine the speed of the vehicles involved, the point of the crash and much more. The laser is set up on a tripod and moved about the accident scene to acquire the most accurate data possible.
Investigators will research data provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) regarding crash tests for various motor vehicles. This data can help investigators figure out the speed of the crash and the force of the collision.
Once the officers have acquired all of the data needed for the investigation, they can reconstruct the scene using CAD drawings. These drawings can then be used as testimony or evidence in trials for wrongful death.
Accident reconstruction in Redondo Beach can take months to complete depending on the severity of the crash. It’s best to speak with a therapist or support group following such a tragic event to better help you heal. This can be done at the same time as your attorney begins to work on the wrongful death case.
Source: The TASA Group, “The Ins and Outs of Vehicular Accident Reconstruction, From the Experts Point of View,” accessed May 03, 2018