Generally speaking, if you get into a car accident, you are safer if you are in a pickup truck than if you are in a car. Many people who don't need trucks for work or any other purpose just pick them because of this relative safety. So, what makes a pickup truck...
Where accidents rank as a cause of death
Fatal motor vehicle accidents are always tragic, but the unfortunate news is that they are not uncommon. They lead to a surprising number of deaths every year. To start, here are the top five causes of death in the United States. These statistics are from 2017: Heart...
The stats show that motorcycle helmets do work
People have many different reasons for choosing to ride a motorcycle without a helmet. Some of them think that the helmets do not make that much of a difference, so they choose not to wear them. Others do not like the weight or complain about how they feel the helmets...
Safety tips for using a crosswalk
A crosswalk may give you the right of way. It may give you some protection in the sense that it alerts drivers that pedestrians may cross the road at that point. But it does not protect you at all when those drivers make a mistake. This is why it's so important to...
Daylight Saving Time and night driving
This year, Daylight Saving Time comes to a conclusion on Nov. 3. That's when we will "fall back" and change the clocks in California and many other states. It's important to remember this for scheduling purposes, though modern smartphones -- which many people use...
Why intersections are especially dangerous for motorcyclists
As a motorcyclist, you always need to be aware of exactly what is happening in traffic around you. That's the main key to defensive driving. You need to react as soon as you can when someone else makes a mistake. When you get close to an intersection, though, it's...
The main rules for a 4-way stop
Issues at a four-way stop can be catastrophic for a motorcyclist. If another driver makes a mistake and proceeds through the intersection at the wrong time, they can cause a devastating accident. Motorcyclists properly riding through the intersection may literally...
10-year-high for fatal red light accidents
One of the most dangerous situations at an intersection is when someone runs a red light. The drivers on the cross street often have no idea they are at risk as they enter the intersection, and many of these crashes happen at high speeds as people try to beat the...
Prolonged grief after someone passes away
If you lose a loved one in a car accident, the most natural reaction in the world is to go through a period of grief or mourning. You never need to feel bad about this or assume that you have to move on quickly. Take the time to mourn properly. Turn to friends and...
Do motorcycle helmets make it harder to see and hear?
It's fairly clear that motorcycle helmets can protect you during a crash. However, many riders point out that they need to be able to see and hear perfectly to avoid getting into an accident in the first place. Any restriction on their senses could make an accident...