In California, there’s a lot to love about driving a convertible. You get to feel that warm summer sun on your face, you get to feel the wind in your hair and you really feel like you are part of this beautiful landscape as you drive through the countryside.
However, this is not without risk. The unfortunate reality is that convertibles offer far less protection if you get involved in a rollover accident. You do not have the benefits of a full protective cage, your head could strike the pavement and you could suffer serious head and brain injuries that you would have avoided in a sedan, a pickup truck or some other type of fully enclosed vehicle.
That said, automobile experts do note that the low center of gravity plays in your favor in a sports car or a convertible. Generally speaking, these are not vehicles that tend to roll in the first place. They have a wide stance and they sit so close to the pavement that it takes a lot of force to get them to flip.
Even so, uncommon or not, these accidents do happen. A convertible could lose control, spin and roll when the wheels catch sideways. It could get hit in the side during an impact with another vehicle and roll over. Accidents are fast, chaotic and unpredictable.
If you get involved in an accident like this, the odds are higher that you or one of your passengers could be killed. It is important for surviving family members to know about the legal options they have to seek compensation for lost wages, funeral costs and more.