You are driving down the highway when suddenly, you see a truck drifting into your lane. The driver seems disoriented, perhaps even asleep at the wheel. This terrifying scenario is all too real for many drivers on California roads. Let us discuss what happens when truck driver fatigue leads to serious accidents.
Who regulates truck driver hours of service?
Federal regulations establish maximum driving hours for truck drivers, requiring them to take mandatory breaks after reaching these limits. These rules help prevent accidents due to driver fatigue. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) enforces these rules. Some key regulations include:
- 11-hour driving limit: Truck drivers cannot drive over 11 hours after 10 consecutive hours off duty.
- 14-hour driving window: Drivers must stop driving after 14 hours, following ten consecutive hours off duty.
- Rest breaks: Drivers need a 30-minute break after eight cumulative hours of driving.
Trucking companies must follow these rules and ensure their drivers stick to them. If they do not, they could face serious consequences, like being responsible for accidents caused by tired drivers.
Can you hold a trucking company responsible for a drowsy driving accident?
Yes. If a trucking company pushes a driver to break Hours of Service rules to meet strict deadlines or ignores them, they can share the blame for an accident. Also, if the company knew or should have known about a driver’s history of fatigue-related issues and did nothing to fix them, they could be negligent.
Who can help you increase your chances of making a claim?
Accidents with big trucks often cause serious injuries and tough legal fights. If these big companies can get away with the minimal consequences, they will pass on the work to their insurance agents. You aim to understand who is at fault and to make them suffer to the fullest extent of their actions. This intent needs a good grasp of federal trucking rules, insurance details, and past legal cases. Getting a lawyer can help you know your rights and decide if making a claim is right for you.