California has the most registered motorcycles of any state, so the two-wheelers maintain a significant presence on the road. Like cars, motorcycles may become involved in collisions. Whether or not the motorcyclist is at fault varies, but the motorcyclist often...
Top 5 Reasons for Motorcycle Accidents
California is one of the most dangerous states for motorcyclists. On average, the state has more than 400 motorcycle fatalities each year. And that number doesn’t include the non-fatal injuries that result from motorcycle accidents. California has more than 750,000...
Facts about motorcycle accident injuries in California
Motorcycles offer a sense of freedom and adventure that cannot be found with any other type of vehicle. However, the lack of protection that riders are exposed to in the event of an accident can often lead to serious injuries. Road rash This is the most common injury...
Tips for reducing your chances of motorcycle accidents
In 2019, 84,000 people were victims of a motorcycle accident in California. Motorcycle accidents are often serious because riders don't have the protection of a car. It's a good idea for both car drivers and motorcyclists to learn about the common causes of motorcycle...
What makes motorcycle helmets different from other helmets?
California law requires that motorcyclists wear U.S. DOT-compliant motorcycle safety helmets to protect themselves while riding. The majority of serious and fatal injuries during motorcycle accidents are head injuries. Wearing a quality helmet could save your life and...
Motorcycle accident statistics in California
There’s nothing better than riding a motorcycle on a perfect summer day. However, there are some serious risks associated with motorcycle riding in California. Alarming statistics Every year, states compile various statistics about motorcycle accidents to give riders...
Dirt bike injuries raise eyebrows
Dirt bike riding might not be for everyone, but the activity has many enthusiasts who take to the trails. Experienced dirt bike riders likely realize that it comes with risks. Those who participate in dirt bike racing could suffer a terrible injury after a bad turn....
Motorcycle accident injuries
Anyone driving a car or truck runs the risk of getting in an accident. What sets motorcyclists apart is the injuries dangers they face. A motorcyclist is not in an enclosed vehicle, and there are no seatbelts or airbags to protect them. Therefore, motorcyclists are at...
How much risk is there when you ride a motorcycle?
Whenever people see reports about motorcycle accidents some are quick to assume that the motorcyclist was at fault. Perhaps the motorcyclist was driving recklessly, they might think, or injuries only occurred because a motorcyclist wasn’t wearing a helmet, some might...
We help motorcycle accident victims
In our area of the country, we are blessed with some of the most scene roadways in the country, perhaps, the world. This is a huge reason why motorcycles are so common on our roads. But, for motorcyclists, they cannot afford to be too distracted by our area’s natural...